How do I get to Årsfest?
Årsfesten is located at Roskilde University Campus, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde. Going to Årsfesten you can either use public transportation, bike or drive depending on where you travel from
Travel by car
You can drive to Årsfesten by car and park at the parking lots in front of campus marked with red on the map below. Now, you have to follow the blue route through campus to get to the entrance of the festival site.
Public transport
Extra trains to and from Copenhagen will be inserted in the train schedule at the day of the festival. Furthermore, trains to and from Copenhagen runs all night. At the map below you can see how to get from Trekroner station to the University (the green route). When arriving at Roskilde University, follow the blue route on the other map to the festival entrance
Travel by bike
Biking to Årsfesten is always an option. We recommend that you park your bike in front of the University if you arrive in rush hour, because we expect the route from Kvadratroden to the festival entrance to be crowded. If you leave your bike in front of the University - follow the blue route on the map on foot