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Hands are volunteers who help Kamarillaen during the week prior to Årsfesten. As Hand, you help build and decorate the festival site.
We want to make sure that you as a student at RUC get the chance to influence Årsfesten 2024. Therefore, we need students who want to use their creativity to create and decorate as well as build stages, put up fences, interactive installments etc.
Why become a Hand?
You'll meet a lot of new people working together on creative projects
You'll earn drink vouchers depending on how many hours you spend volunteering, which can be used in the bars during Årsfesten
You get to decide how the decorations at Årsfesten are made, and what they will look like
Every night our Hands are invited to join us for dinner at RUC after a day of volunteering
You will recieve an invitation to Sjatfest if you become a "super"Hand.
A lot of students become Hands because of the social component but it also helps if you don't want to worry about money while having the Årsfest of your life!
How do I become a Hand?
From September 16 till September 19 at least one member of Kamarillaen will be present in RUCbar in Hand Command. Here, we will have an overview of which tasks you can choose between. All you need to do is:
Come by Hand Command (before or after classes?)
Grab some snacks and choose a task
Return to Hand Command when you finish, so we know how many drink vouchers you've earned. Drink vouchers will be available for pick up at the VIP entrance at the festival during the entire festival
If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch at hand@elgenkommer.dk or join our noncommitting Facebook group for Hands

Would you like to spend a couple of hours taking cool pictures at Årsfesten in exchange for free drinks during the festival?
The work will be a couple of hours during the evening at one or more of the following locations:
Sponsor wall
Your focus will be on the sponsor wall at the entrance. This is the post that will ultimately get the most attention through Facebook after the end of Årsfesten
Mood pictures around Campus
Your focus will be on doing mood shots of the audience and the events around campus
Your focus will be on the concerts, the artist and the audience
Why become a photographer at Årsfesten?
By being a photographer at Årsfesten you get:
The chance to make sure noone forgets Årsfesten 2024 while practising your photography skills
A free-bar-bracelet after your shift has ended
An invite to Sjatfest - only the greatest party for volunteers at RUC
A possibility to meet other students at RUC with an interest in photography
How do I become a photographer at Årsfesten?
We expect you to have previous experience with photography but does not expect you to be a proffesional.
To apply, write an email to pr@elgenkommer.dk. Tell us about yourself, your previous experience and why you want to be a photographer at Årsfesten på RUC!

As a bartender you get to have loads of fun experiences in return for your work effort!
Prior to Årsfesten you will be invited to "Bartender dag". On Bartender dag every bartender is provided practical information about their shift as well as information on, what will be sold in the bars. Bartenders finish their shifts approximately 2-3 hours after the bar closes, when the clean up is done (the bars close no later than 2 am). Bartender dag is also an opportunity to meet the other bartenders and will also contain fun activities and a common dinner.
Why bartend during Årsfesten?
During your shift we provide you with snacks, food and you'll drink for free
You will get the ideal possibility to expand your social network on RUC
If friends sign up together, they can be placed on the same bar team.
You will receive an invite for the extraordinary "Sjatfest" as a thank you. Here, you can party and drink for free with all the other volunteers, who has put in a massive effort as well. Note that being invited to Sjatfest requires that you stay to help clean up after your bar shift.
And don't worry - within your bar team, you're allowed to plan your breaks yourselves so that you still get the opportunity to listen to some music acts during the night.
How do I become a bartender?
If you either want to bartend at Årsfesten or have questions, feel free to contact bar@elgenkommer.dk and we'll get back to you asap.

Each year Kamarillaen needs help building Årsfestens biggest stage: Thorsens Arena. In the days before Årsfesten, we need 4-6 stagehands to assist our experienced stage crew.
Previous experience being a stage hands is a plus but not a must. As long as you are prepared for physical labour and that you can help out at least for a few hours. We will of course provide safety shoes, equipment and both food, drinks and snacks during your shift.
As a stagehand, you will also get access to the legendary Sjatfest - A party exclusively for all the nice people who helps create Årsfesten.
Note that you are required to be sober as a stagehand.
How do I become a Stage Hand?
Write your application to musik@elgenkommer.dk, and tell us why you want to join and possibly about previous experience.
You can also come by Hand Command in RUCbar the week before Årsfesten and ask if there's still an open spot.